Where can you find more support?

Here in Somerset we are so lucky to have access to a wealth of local services dedicated to providing support to people living with memory loss, their families and carers.

If you are new to the area or you are newly diagnosed and looking to build your local support network then we hope you will find this list valuable to you.

We have also included a couple of links to broader UK-wide services that may be of interest.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you can recommend any other services for us to include on our list or if you need any further information from us.

Wells Memory Café

A relaxed drop-in for older people with memory problems and their carers/families providing companionship, information and advice, occasional talks, fun activities and refreshments.

For information please contact Claire Chettoe 01749 676248  or  wellsmemcaf@gmail.com


Wells Community Network

WCN was formed as a response to the pandemic, it is now a coordinated network of volunteers and organisations that work together to support our local community.

Volunteers engage in an enormous variety of tasks from helping with day to day chores, a friendly chat, shopping, collecting prescriptions and dog walking.

Helpline between 9am – 5pm  01749 467079   hello@helpwells.co.uk


Wells Dementia Action Alliance

WDAA provides a valuable resource for people and carers living with dementia in Wells, it aims to put together everything that is dementia related in the area and make Wells a dementia friendly city.  Contact  info@wellsdementia.org.uk

Mendip Community Transport 

MCT provides transport for individuals and community groups in Mendip.  They aim to provide transport for isolated, elderly and people with mobility issues who could otherwise be isolated by lack of access to suitable transport services.  Contact  01749 880613

Health Connections, Mendip

Health Connections Mendip can support you with your health and wellbeing or if you are feeling isolated.  You can see a Health Connector for a one to one appointment or join a group.  This service is provided by Mendip GP practices.  Contact  01373 468368 



Alzheimers Society

Support for people and carers with dementia.  Alzheimers Society has a wealth of information providing factsheets and support about different aspects of dementia.  Contact  01458 251541


Age UK

Information and advice service, they are the leading charity for older people in Somerset and can help you on topics such as diverse as claiming benefits to care homes.  Contact  01823 345613  infoandadvice@ageuksomerset.org.uk


RICE is an internationally renowned research and treatment centre located in Bath.  They are an independent charity focused on essential research and providing support for people with dementia and other conditions of older age, their families and carers.  Referral is through your GP or self referral for diagnosis and clinical trials.  Contact 01225 476420  info@rice.org.uk.


Adult Social Care Direct - General Enquiries

Information about social care services and support for people in Somerset who have disabilities, mental health problems or general frailty. Contact: 0300 123 2224  or find the website here.


Think Travel


Somerset County Council (SCC) have just launched a great website that enables people to plan journeys or find out what types of transport eg public transport or alternative transport such as community transport or volunteer car schemes.

People can include search options such as accessibility including walking speed and mobility level.

It’s possible to post requests for transport to particular locations and to offer of transport.

The website has had a soft launch because SCC want it’s existence publicised amongst potential users but there will be a hard launch after the May elections.

Word of caution: there may not be a solution to every transport query.      

Safeguarding Scheme


The scheme, also known as the Herbert Protocol, enables families to upload vital information about their loved one via the Avon and Somerset Police website, which can be quickly accessed by the police should they need to conduct a missing person search.

Free ‘wearable tech’ wristbands are now also available through the scheme thanks to charitable funding. The wristbands store this vital information, which can then be retrieved by emergency services, health professionals or members of the public using a smartphone, to help return the wearer to safety if they are found lost or in need of assistance.

Radar Keys

Andy Vallis, Editor of Wells Voice, was at the recent Wells Soup and generously offered to buy some RADAR keys for WDAA to give out through Jo Sylvester, Mendip Carers Assessment Worker.  

A RADAR key gives people with disabilities and health conditions independent access to locked public toilets around the country. The Radar Key Scheme enables these disabled toilets to be locked to prevent vandalism and misuse, while also being readily available to those who really need them.

Having a RADAR key can be life changing because it means that someone with continence problems can go out knowing they’ll be able to access a public toilet when they need to. If you or someone you care for needs a RADAR key please contact WDAA via our Facebook page or by emailing info@wellsdementia.org.uk  and we’ll refer you to Jo Sylvester.


Meet Rebecca ~ The wonderful volunteer behind our garden transformation!


Gardening for wellness at The Lawrence Centre, Wells.