Gardening for wellness at The Lawrence Centre, Wells.
We are so lucky to have the most beautiful outdoor space for our Members to enjoy at The Lawrence Centre. Even with our veery central location, right in the heart of England’s smallest city, we have our own little patch of heaven to be enjoyed all year long.
Whether it’s providing a corner of sunshine for our members to sit with a cup of tea and enjoy, or an opportunity for members to get their hands dirty with some light garden work, we could not be more grateful for the space.
We all know that fresh air is good for us, and many of us will have noticed that even a short spell of time outdoors has the ability to lift our mood and increase our energy levels, but did you know that gardening is now scientifically proven to lower levels of anxiety, stress and depression in people of all ages?
And don’t fret, you don’t have to partake in thirty minutes of vigorous digging to reap the benefits! Just sitting quietly outside, with green things in sight, has been shown to lower heart rates, helping people to calm their breathing, reduce anxiety and lift their mood.
If you are feeling a little more green fingered then anything you can manage involving getting hands dirty is a win. Small tasks that can be performed whilst seated, like planting seeds in trays, are a great way to provide a task requiring careful focussed attention, which can be beneficial for those experiencing memory loss symptoms as well as those seeking a little mindful activity.
Meanwhile, larger jobs involving a more significant physical challenge are great for helping to maintain joint mobility, muscle strength, challenging lung capacity and improving heart health - just make sure you go steady if you’re not already an experienced horticulturalist!
Want to know more? Have a read of the great articles below to find out more and, if you’re in Wells, Somerset, why not consider joining us down at The Lawrence Centre, either as a Member or a Volunteer, to help us keep our garden spaces looking beautiful and our bodies and minds at ease.
‘Why Gardening makes us feel better’ from The RHS
‘Gardening for health and wellbeing’ from The RHS
‘Why gardening is good for your mental health’ from Thrive
‘Nature and mental’ health from Mind - There are some great links here for finding organisations to support you in your quest for nature!